Saturday, July 25, 2009

Teeth pulled?

When I am getting my teeth pulled I have two choices "Novocaine" or "Anesthesia" The Novocaine is less expensive but will I be able to feel it and hear it? and the Anesthesia may hurt you forever if not done right.

which should I get and which one works better?

With Novocaine can you feel it at ALL? cause i am a wimp with things in my mouth "the pinch" is fine but other than that I'm a wimp.

Teeth pulled?
had mine done 2 days ago i did novacaine. the only thing i felt was pressure and you can hear when they pull it out...but i would do novacaine....did anesthesia with my wisdom teeth and it took me awhule to recover
Reply:Novocaine its better i got 9 teeth pulled out when i was younger and im fine now dont be a wimp
Reply:If it hurts badly the dentist will give you a direct injection after pulling the tooth.
Reply:You know what? I pulled out most of my own teeth. Without any form of pain killers.

Just get the cheapest one if you can't bear the pain of pulling them out yourself.
Reply:novocaine you feel just a little..but your not woozy when your done, like you would be with anesthesia..

If it were me.. I choose anesthesia..

But... That depends on how many teeth im getting pulled..

IF its only a couple of them.. just do it.

If its 3 or more teeth.... knock me out..

family nanny

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