Friday, July 31, 2009

Help! I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed?

Alright so I know that the pain after getting your wisdom teeth removed is "different for everybody", but I have this theory that mine won't be very bad simply because all of my wisdom teeth have grown in.

Is that true?? Does it hurt less if my teeth are all in? Because it's pretty much like pulling teeth then...

How long will it take for me to recover??

Help! I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed?
If they are not impacted they are easier to extract and your recovery will be shorter. If you are doing all 4, that will mean you will be uncomfortable for a week or so. I just had my final 2 removed but I could still use the other side of my mouth.

And, in my opinion, it was not the pain, it was the discomfort of not being able to eat solid foods that was the worst part of the experience.
Reply:takes about a week but it will probably still hurt
Reply:few days recovery and yes it will hurt less good luck
Reply:will it really lessen your pain if i answer your question?
Reply:girl,you'll be doesn't even hurt.just be careful don't drink out of a straw.b'c you can get dry sockets and that's what hurts.but i had mine pulled and i was fine .no pain.
Reply:Well, It'll take about a week before the pain goes away, and yes, it doesn't hurt as much when all of your teeth are in.
Reply:I went home and had a steak afterwards, my friend was ill for days.

What I am getting at is, everyone is different. Try not to worry.
Reply:IT shouldnt take long, and yes I believe it will be a simpler procedure since they have grown in, but everyone tolerates things different. I say 2, maybe 3-4 days recovery. When I had mine pulled, none were grown in and it wasnt fun, but at least they knocked me out. You'll be fine. good luck!
Reply:I was in pain the first afternoon after having it done. My hubby felt nothing. I was on Vicadin...That made me pass out! Mine were partially grown in...I think the pain just varies for everyone....Good luck!
Reply:Mine were bad because they were growing sideways a half inch down below the skin.

You probably will have a minimum amount of pain but just in case--don't make any special plans for 2 days after the surgery.

Take the medicine they give you right away. I delayed and my mouth swelled up.

Good luck.
Reply:my son ate potato chips that night depends on the dentist.. it is a more and more common thing with dentist now ,, I think its a quick money maker... I still have all mine im 44
Reply:they put so much pain killers on your gum that you really dont feel anything. The hard part is after when your tounge naturally feels the gaping holes where your teeth used to be.

It is difficult to eat as food gets stuck in there as well
Reply:as long as they are not impacted then it isnt so bad. you will be good an new in 2 or 3 days!!! mostly just soreness so go and get it done and over with!!! you will be just fine!!!
Reply:I had 7 teeth (including 4 wisdom teeth) pulled at the same time. I was on drugs for about 2 days. I was back to work and feeling fine in 4 days. :) Just follow the instructions the dentist gives you (no drinking through straws - use the mouthrinse correctly - etc.) and you'll be fine. :)

I find that Aleve is best for tooth pain, so if your prescription wears off too early, you might ask the doc if it's ok for you to supplement with Aleve.

Good luck! :) You'll be fine! :)
Reply:RECOVERY: You`ll have nitemares for the rest of your life. lol
Reply:I need to have all 4 of mine taken out. I was told that it depends on the type of anesthesia you chose. If you choose the gas, it will hurt a little but if you get put to sleep with a shot (my choice), it won't hurt as bad. It;s going to take about 2 weeks to fully recover cause you will have to get a checkup 1 week later to make sure you don't have any infections. You have to eat soft foods like mashed potatoes %26amp; jello the first weeks %26amp; gradually move to solid foods in the 2nd week.
Reply:I dont know if it will hurt less,

But I do know that the recovery rate varies person to person. Two people I work with got their teeth pulled, one was fine the next day and the other took a little more then a week. Make sure to drink liquids!
Reply:I had mine pulled in October. I had all 4 out (I am only 14.) and one wasn't in but it was coming in. I was so scared about getting put out then when it came to getting them out it wasn't bad at all. I woke up though in the middle of it. Then they put me back to sleep. I woke up right away after it was done and my mouth felt very swollen. Then I slept in the recovery room for like 10 minutes and my mom took me home. It wasn't bad for me. I didn't take the painkillers I took Motrin. And I lived off of Frosty's and ice cream and jello for a week. I don't think mine were impacted. If I just let them stay I would of gotten a nasty infection is what the surgeon told me.
Reply:Oh my god. I've been putting this off for a year now.

Good luck!!!

Just use loads of Bonjella and take pain killers for the pain.
Reply:Make sure you have a cold pack handy, as your cheeks will have all kinds of funny colours for the next days.
Reply:It's not bad, and you'll take about a week to recover. Heck, I didn't even miss a day of school, but I didn't have dry socket either. Be careful and take the previous advice...don't suck through a straw. Be very careful of your packing and change it out as often as your dentist recommends.
Reply:Make sure to ask for a perscription for pain pills just in case it hurts...

I didn't get offered pain med's and in those first few days I would have apprecieted them...

You just need to make sure that you don't knock out the blood clots and use a 25-50% Listroine mix after you put ANYTHING but water in your mouth!! ANYTHING!!

Don't use a straw because the pressure of sucking can pop out the blood clots...

DON'T SMOKE ANYTHING AT ALL! The smoke will make the wounds take 2 to 3 X longer to heal!!!!

Numbing throat spray can be used to help with the pain, then you can Spray it right on the wounds and not need to reach in with your finger to apply the numbing gel.

It took me a week before the wound was closed up enough to stop worrying about it all the time...

Remember, the more sleep you get and the more you use the 25-50% watered down lysterine mix the faster you will heal.

You should be fine!
Reply:I had mine removed after they grew in, I was in my late 20's for one, and early 30's for two more.

It can be worse when they're grown in, as the roots are developed, and maybe they didn't grow straight, so it's not a simple extraction... you have to ask... if they grew in straight, why do they need to come out? well, probably because the roots grew in weird (could be other things as well).

It is a painful ordeal which can be planned for. Buy bags of frozen peas or corn so that they can easily mold to your face, get your presriptions filled before you undergo the procedure, make plenty of jell-o or similar types of things that you will be able to eat, have broth ready.

I opted to go under for mine, and it was worth the extra money. you have no idea of it going on, you'll wake up sore from the procedure, have someone ready to take you home, get all situated, then go back to sleep from what is in your system.

From what I recall, it was about 4 days of bad discomfort, the day after the procedure was probably the worst.

good luck!!
Reply:You will have pain in jaws, but not that bad of pain. You will be spitting up blood most of the time and your bottom lip will be swollen, but it will probably take three to four days (maybe three) to get back to normal.
Reply:They will sedate you, When you wake up you will not feel much pain, but later you will. If the teeth are in you are right it will hurt less due to the fact they do not have to dig in your gums to get the teeth out. You will be fine
Reply:Yes, It will hurt, but don't worry, It will recover pretty soon, in a few weeks. and no, it will not hurt if all your teeth are in.
Reply:I would say at least a sure to rinse often with salt water often to avoid DRY SOCKET which can be more painful than the extraction itself...
Reply:Actully it's not that bad and if the teeth are already out it's just like having a tooth pulled.. it'll hurt for a little while after .. but they'll give you some pain meds and it'll go away in about 2 to 3 days.. dont smoke or drink .. it'll irritate the healing...

dont worry youll be fine
Reply:Don't Worry. You will be Okay. I Had My Wisdom teeth removed At Age 19 and it Hurt Quite A Bit But I Went To the Drug Store And Bought This Tooth And Gum pain Reliever called Orajel And I Put It On My Gums And It Made My Gums Fell numb instantly. it Took me about 3 days to recover by the way and that thing in your paragraph i don't think it is true. Good Luck Recovering,

- Leah
Reply:mine were not in all the way when i had them out and it did not hurt! my gf just had hers out and they were in all the way and she is still crying like a little baby, its been about a week. good luck!
Reply:Don't worry about it, pain is pain. It'll all be over before you know it. Besides, there are drugs! Try and get them to knock you out for the surgery, I wasn't even nervous them believe it or not.

family nanny

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