Friday, July 31, 2009

Swelling after teeth pull?

i had teeth pulled for dentures two weeks ago and now there is swelling under my tongue and it is painful to swallow

Swelling after teeth pull?
First, it's really freaky that we have the same name, and I just went to my dentist yesterday! lol

About the pain and swelling though, follow up with your doctor ASAP because it may be an infection. I have a tooth infection (that's why I went in yesterday) and had the same symptoms along with sore throat pain on the bad tooth side. You may need antibiotics.

Do not put this off, because infections can be very serious! I do not think you should still be in that amount of pain after 2 weeks. Doesn't hurt to get it checked out.

Good Luck!
Reply:Tina, do you have your dentures yet? If you do, chances are the lower denture is rubbing the gum tissue under your tongue. Only the dentist can fix this for you.

You should be rinsing your mouth several times a day with warm salt water, this will help soothe the sore area and keep it clean.

Make an appointment soon.


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