Saturday, July 25, 2009

Getting Wisdom Teeth Pulled Tomorrow Morning?

Im getting 6 wisdom teeth tomorrow!!! Am i am so scared of waking up during the middle of the surgery!!! I dont handle pain well what so ever....last time i got teeth pulled i started crying before they even put me in the chair. Why cant you eat 8 hrs prior to surgery if ur being put to sleep?

Getting Wisdom Teeth Pulled Tomorrow Morning?
Refraining from eating is standard for anesthesia (you don't want to get nauseous, puke and aspirate it). I'm an old codger so I had mine out in 1977 when you were awake for the entire thing. So even if you could/would awaken it's no big deal.... you won't feel anything. One word of advise... milkshakes with bananas cut up in it is how I survived the 2 events (left side upper and lower on one Friday; and right side upper/lower the following Friday).
Reply:I don't know about the eating, the anesthetics might couse stomach problems if you eat.

I had all four of mine done recently and I am a HUGE whoos- it was fine- they knocked me out and I never woke up- if you do wake up they will knock you right back out and you are not likely to remember waking up.

Afterwards, waking up you will be so drugged up you will not e likely to feel any pain but you may react emotionally to the meds. My husband and kids tell me I sat and cried for the rest of the day when I got home but I dont remember 1 minute of it- some people I know just slept the rest of the day.

You might feel really good the day after but rest anyway because you are still feeling the effects of very strong pain meds- thesecond day after the surgery was the worst for me. I stayed in bed just feeling tired and needing pain meds but after 3 -4 days you should be fine.
Reply:how can you eat if you're put into sleep?
Reply:I am THE biggest denist-phobe in the world. I had 3 of my wisdom teeth out at one time and was having a total nervous breakdown about not being knocked out. My dentist looked me in the eye and said "Honey, I will give you as much Valium and local anesthesia as the law will allow, and I promise you you will not care about the procedure" Not only was she totally right about having no anxiety at all as I watched their faces while they worked, but there was no pain or swelling afterwards at all. I went from the dentist's office to the mall and shopped all afternoon. We all have different experiences and I know other's who've had a harder time than I with this procedure but want to inject another positive perspective for those who are about to go through it and are nervous about it.

Good Luck!

family nanny

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