Friday, July 31, 2009

Does getting your teeth pulled out hurt?

On Tuesday I have to get my two..not my front teeth but the teo next to them pulled out on the top on both sides! I have gotton one pulled be4 but that was a while ago and i need to know if it hurts or not! Pleaseeeee be truthful about it b/c i am really nervous and scared to get this done!

Does getting your teeth pulled out hurt?
Hon, I seriously know how you feel. Last year I had to get too teeth removed to make room for some other ones. Of course I was kinda freaked out when I went in there..but I just sat down and let the dentist do his thing. The novacaine went in just like normal and I couldnt really feel anything. I didnt even know that he had taken it out until I saw it! Honestly it just felt like a bunch of slighly painful poking and a twist and it came right out. In my opinion, No it doesnt hurt and having braces on my teeth was about 20 times more painful. Once the novoacaine wears off, its a little sore, but no problem it goes away in a couple days. Right now you just have to quit worrying so much! Relax hon coz otherwise it will make it worse. Youre dentist is a professional and he's well skilled to remove teeth the easiest and most painless way possible. You'll be just fine, I promise. And it'll probably be over before you know it! Just relax and take care! :)

~Tyanna Lynae~
Reply:I have to get 11 and then i get braces and i am scared!

so if you get two your okay but 11 is hard! Report It

Reply:ive loss most of mine from a car wreck it dont hurt most of the time you just feel a pull is all might feel some after but most of the time it just one day
Reply:iiii man im sorry to tell you it will hurt after the anesteshia I have had teeth taken out before.
Reply:yah it dose.

my sister got hers pullen out and her face was swollen for like 2 weeks. (but those where her back teeth so yours might not swell)
Reply:Well of course it hurts. You're getting your teeth pulled out of your head. Are they going to put you under while they do it? If so it won't be as bad. The worst will be over when you wake up. If they are not putting you under then they will numb it with a shot or give you gas. The shot hurts in case you are wondering. Why are you having those teeth pulled out anyway?
Reply:It wasnt painful for me. THe only painful part was when they stuck the shot in your cheek to numb your mouth. You shouldnt be able to feel any pain after that. Your gum will bleed for a pretty long time after that, so dont worry about that. Just dont be nervous. When i got mine pulled, i was nervous for nothing! just dont worry it will be fine.!!!


Reply:well, if youre scared, if your dentist isn't gonna put any numbing, then ask him to!!! once, i had to get my gum popped becuz there was pus inside of it, and it didn't hurt because the dentist put numbing there. and dont worry about the numbing needle, either, because it doesn't hurt. and my gum didn't even feel bad at all afterwards either!! ah, the magics of this world...........

and also, when youre mervous, usually it hurts more, becuz youre tense. just relax about it.

my sis had root canal when she was 6, and she didn't say it hurt, so i'm guessing that it didn't hurt, but felt weird afterwards becuz she wasn't used to it. i think that it';; be about the same for you. and i think that she had numbing, too.............

Hope this helped! Good luck!!! (and those two teeth are baby teeth, righrt?)
Reply:If your teeth are infected, the it actually feels GOOD to have them taken out! It's the week AFTERwards that is the most painful beause you can't chew anything hard! Be sure %26amp; buy yourself some applesauce, mashed potatoes, soups, puddings %26amp; Jell-o, cus you won't feel like shopping AFTER you get them pulled. Keep a jug of water handy for rinsing %26amp; spitting. Whatever you do, DON'T swallow your spit, because it will have blood %26amp; puss in it %26amp; you should get rid of that ASAP in a tissue or sink or toilet or???
Reply:First of all, your dentist will give you something to numb up the gum area where the tooth is going to be pulled. Once you can't feel anything, all you should feel is some pressure and possibly a tugging sensation, but no actual pain.

Once the numbness wears off you will likely have some discomfort, but if your dentist is worth his salt, any pain afterward will be minimal %26amp; he will most likely give you something for the pain.

Above all, TELL your dentist how nervous you are about the procedure. He will reassure you and can explain the process every step of the way.

You'll get through it fine.
Reply:Dentist or orals surgeon will anesthetize the area. Depending on the type of insurance you have, dentist may use gas to slightly sedate you then anesthetize you mouth with an injection. The injections themselves, if done, hurt no more than a small pinch.

The extraction procedure actually does not involve any pulling. The target tooth is actually pushed in to loosen the surrounding bone and periodontal ligaments and the tooth gently comes out!

With adequate pain medication, the whole experience is relatively painless. With all medical or dental procedure, there is always a degree of pain, but this is a necessary price for adequate treatment.
Reply:No it doesn't hurt, you'll feel a pinch from the needle but that's it.
Reply:It depends on the person--my little sister doesn't react well to it, but I've never really had a problem. At the time of the extraction, it just feels odd--not painful. Afterward, when the numbness starts to wear off, there's a dull, persistent sort of pain. It's not fun, but you can make it through! Plan to watch a movie to take your mind off of it and stock the kitchen with some soft foods--hard food won't seem very appetizing afterward. Good luck! :o)
Reply:It hurts but not for a long time. After the anesthesia where's off
Reply:Well lucky for you, you only get two teeth pulled out. When I got mines pulled, it was 6 teeth. And yes, it does hurt. I actually cried because of the pain. My mouth was numb all that night.

I wish you all the luck!


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