Wednesday, May 13, 2009

4 teeth pulled out for braces?

i just had 4 biscupids pulled out for hour ago

my lips are long will it lastt?

is it going to hurt like hell were they pulled my teeth out?

how long will it take for it to heal?

what can i eat or drink?

how long will the pain last?

they put these cotton like things in my mouth.. when should i take them out?

4 teeth pulled out for braces?
I went thru the same thing as you I had my four teeth pulled before getting my braces after they take them out they usually give you vicodines or other pain killers and yes you will be in pain when the medicine wears off you should sterilize your mouth every now and then especially after you try to eat when you chew try to avoid using the beack of your mouth where they were pulled so it avoids infection watch what you eat also by the 2nd or 3rd day, you should be able to sample soft food, and little by little, you can start mushing regular foods around with your front teeth.pudding, ice cream, jello, mashed potatoes, etc. Don't forget to DRINK plenty, and you can get lots of your nutrition that way: juice (V8 Splash is delicious and gives you a serving of fruits n veggies), nutritional drinks (I LOVE chocolate Boost), milk, etc. I was able to eat mac n cheese and soft pastas (spaghettios). Some folks like to eat yogurt. I also had tomato soup (warm, not hot!) and dipped bread in it, which made it nice and easy to eat.

You'll be eating "regular" foods before you know it :-) Just be careful for the first several days, cause any food that gets stuck up in those holes can cause infection. I know because I HAVE an infection!! Rinse very gently with warm salt water after everything you eat. Good luck!!
Reply:idk but eat soup. actually, i like to eat mac and cheese when i cant chew. you dont have to chew it, and im not much of a soup person
Reply:The numbness will probably be gone by the time you wake up tomorrow...and the soreness usually takes just 2-3 days before you will be comfortable eating your usual foods. Since your mouth is the quickest healing place on your body, you will notice the extraction sites beginning to heal within the next couple of days and completly healed within a 7-9 days. The cotton in your mouth is just to put pressure on the sites to help stop the can usually remove these within an hour.

P.S. I have been an orthodontic assistant for the past 14 years......Don't worry about the spaces where the bicuspids were taken out.....once your teeth are in good alignment, your orthodontist will begin bringing the spaces together and will leave no space when you are finished. This is a very common treatment plan. Hope this helps!!
Reply:The doctor should have told you these things....or you mom.

You will probably start to be able to feel things in the next hour or two.

It may hurt a bit but Tylenol should be able to make things feel better.

Initially just a few days, however your gum has to grow back and fill in the missing space. It is probably slightly different for everyone but when I had mine done (had the same thing done) I could still feel dips in the gum for about 3 or 4 months.

You should not eat anything hard (potato chips, popcorn, carrots, etc.) for at least 3 days.

Probably about a week. Mouths tend to heal quickly.

I would take them out if you eat tonight. They are used to prevent you from swallowing blood from the opening. They should have given you more. Re-bandage them after you eat. You can stop putting bandages on them when you stop bleeding. However I wouldn't sleep with them in since you could choke on them.

Good luck.
Reply:Did you ask your dentist these questions? Sometimes it is hard for someone to answer these questions without seeing your x-rays and without doing the procedure. Call the dentist and ask him these questions. If he/she doesn't take the time to address these questions, he/she is a disgrace to the profession. I treat all of my patients like they are the most important. It is a shame there are a few that don't care.


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