Thursday, April 16, 2009

No referendum...people pulling their own teeth out...hospitals that make people sicker...gun crime everywhere?

...prisons are full....immigration out of control....Tax, Tax, and more tax...what a vision Labour had ten years ago didn%26#039;t they? Now we have to wait for Gordon%26#039;s vision... we are all going straight to hell arn%26#039;t we?

No referendum...people pulling their own teeth out...hospitals that make people sicker...gun crime everywhere?
i am so sic of being lied to and deceived. fed up to the eye teeth with crooks leading us down a dodgy path to be ambushed......the British are a bloody good race of people. they dont deserve this. i get angry and often rant about the people of this country being too servile......but most of my ranting is from the sheer frustration of watching my country sliding toward the edge with those traitors new labour at the helm. i truly feel that if we dont turn our backs on all three main parties at the next election , then Britain is lost. because all three are selling us down the same river. the only thing that will actualy save old Britain is if pride can be put back in the hearts of its people. a bit of true Brit fighting spirit in the gut to say ****! you! your not taking our country. Britain is at her best!! when she stands her ground. so are her people. god love em. and just one more thing!....wot is all this united kingdom crap??? ((((((ITS GREAT BRITON)))))) and lets have a bit more of the old union jack flying.....illegal indeed.
Reply:Ya and I can%26#039;t even afford the gas to get there
Reply:... In a hand-cart, mate. We are all going STRAIGHT to hell in a hand-cart.

Reply:We are already in hell .. welcome to a labour run country
Reply:LOL...Always look on the bright side of do, do do, do do do do do do....
Reply:We are not going to hell, we are already there.
Reply:it needs improving, but if you think it%26#039;s bad here, go live in south america or africa or the middle east, then tell me we have it bad
Reply:wow... i feel so NEGATIVE right now!!! Guess I%26#039;ve been living in denial
Reply:skrew the gas i cant even afford a 1987 piece of **** to put gass in like 4000 for the crappiest cars
Reply:Sounded like America to me until you got to the Gordon part. Sounds like we all live in the same hell. Shame. And we vote these lost souls in.
Reply:vote BNP
Reply:It is all good, as the world is going to end and you have to prepare, have you prepared yet...........
Reply:hands up what t0ssers voted for that smarmy tw@t tony blair
Reply:Briton is on the brink of civil war

living in northern Ireland born and bread this i know

i see the signs
Reply:i think a dictatorship is in order.
Reply:Only if you don%26#039;t belive in god and love him or if you worship the devil who was the first ruler of hell
Reply:Makes ya wanna emigrate, don%26#039;t it? Hey, stop off in New York and I%26#039;ll join ya...if we%26#039;re going to the devil, we might%26#039;s well visit Oz first! We%26#039;ll see if their beer %26#039;n birds are as fantastic as they say...
Reply:Your right but what will we do about it........NOTHING, we are told what to put up with and when to put up with it. We take it on the chin everytime.
Reply:%26quot;we are all going straight to hell arn%26#039;t we?%26quot;

Reply:Regardless of which party it is they are there for self serving reasons, and its only the colour of the rosettes that change I%26#039;m afraid.

The politicians are as bad as the civil servants who really run this country now.

Raises another question though, are the Royal family relevant anymore?
Reply:too easy, hell aint sh+%. they got a better place for us, you%26#039;ll wish for your old life back..believe be happy ,everything right now is wonderful compared..,so don%26#039;t sweat the small stuff.. life could be one hell of alot,breath and look at the good my friend,.look at the good..theres alot of it out there..take a peek,let me know what you think
Reply:No darlin, back to the 1800%26#039;s! Well you didn%26#039;t think the welfare state would last for ever did you? It was ok while we were only catering for the natives of the UK, but it%26#039;s like everything else, when something is being given away it%26#039;s not long before everyone wants it, and when that happens it runs out. Sad but true.
Reply:The people who are to blame for all this New Labour nonsense are the so called middle classes who have for the past two General Elections, re-elected Tony Blair.

A blind man on a galloping horse, could see that this man was a shyster, a conman, a crook and worst of all, a liar.

He has lied to the British people about almost everything and still these moneyed fools believed him.

It would not surprise me in the slightest, that at the next General Election they all vote New labour and Cyclops Brown is given another five years to totally demolish the UK. .

God save Britannia.

Labour is the party of law and order in Britain today. Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.

Tony Blair

I didn%26#039;t come into politics to change the Labour Party. I came into politics to change the country.

Tony Blair

I sense a new spirit in Britain: that the people of Britain want this massive demonstration of generosity to be given enduring purpose.

Gordon Brown

Europe has to address people%26#039;s needs directly and reflect their priorities, not our own preoccupations.

Peter Mandelson

For too long, decisions have been taken behind closed doors - tablets of stone have simply been past down to people without bothering to involve people, listen to their views or give them information about what we are doing and why.

Peter Mandelson
Reply:Hello Hades! Always feathering their own nests.....I dreamt of a Messiah, I got men of clay!
Reply:Sent there by totally unscrupulous money grabbing hypocrites! I can%26#039;t work out how the hell they were voted in the last time! We are certainly paying a high price for their lunacy. While the untouchables are living in clover.
Reply:We mostly seem to agree.We love our country and want to be nationalistic ...or Little Englanders as we are put down as...I am proud to be a Little Englander thank you...By the way I love the Scots,Irish and Welsh.

We should be proud to be nationalsitic.Its a good thing isn%26#039;t it?To be proud of your country.Well I am and won%26#039;t go to leave it to foriegners who think that taking an exam will make them British

This is not an equel society while we have to fill in forms and be scared to joke and can only get a job if we are black or gay or the managers son.

Management of people has reached an all time low as we are afraid to speak up or lose our jobs.

The Royal Mail as a n example of this has people asleep on the job and allowed to get away with it as the managers cannot control their staff and so the job does not get done.

The loss of mail is heavy criminals employed in sorting in London on a grand scale.

We will soon lose this great institution to political correctness and miss-management and the criminals.If we sit by this will happen

The Royal Mail was...WAS the envy of the world...not so now.

Exams and a test to show your Britishness?

There was no exam for my dad in the war when our backs were to the wall

I never served in the forces but am proud of our boys out there.They have been let are we now over this %26#039;Treaty%26#039;

I cannot see who to vote for who will look after our interests...Who...Conservative......they have no will to really do anything and they are led buy a lilly-white prig with no leadership qualities at all.He just blows in the wind.The Liberals are just slim in a barrel......soft as ---- and showed no respect for their leader Ming who was actually a good man.Not a media model but deep down a decent bloke.

Did you see the way they knifed him in the back?

Brooon,well him...What a low-life chicken livered git.Doesn%26#039;t support our troops out in the field although it was him and his boy Blair who sent them out there to fight.

We desperatly need a leader

Who will ? vote for next time......?

For the first time it has to be BNP...I want a country fit for heroes and decent people who have respect and love of their country.I am sick of being nice and being sat on.

Use your vote...I always have and will do again
Reply:unless we stop reading the Daily Mail. Try China Daily!
Reply:Welcome to the new united states of Great Britain.

Thank you Mr Bush
Reply:good question and I%26#039;ll answer it in the way i answered the last one like this.

get on the no 10 website and send an e-mail to Gordy and ask him what he%26#039;s up to .

i sent one today asking him

%26#039;what are you doing with our money%26#039;

when food ,fuel ,cigarettes and alcohol in France are all a fraction of the cost here though they have the same population more or less %26#039;what is he doing with it?

I%26#039;m sure he is a very busy man what with wars to fight etc but whats more important than being answerable to us.

ask him.
Reply:Who cares where ever we are going its got to be

better than here.

Thats why there are more people leaving this country than

ever before.

opera mobile

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